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Monday, November 9, 2009

Handmade Holidays 2009


The lovely and amazing ladies over at Frenchie and Flea are hosting their 1st Annual Handmade Holidays!

"We have taken the pledge to support local businesses and handmade artisans this holiday season, and we want to encourage our readers to do the same!"

You must go over there! You must! For one, Frenchie and Flea is a gorgeous eye-candy filled site that you will adore. One of them just got married and you will die over the wedding spread.

AND they are featuring 12 different Etsy shops (and you know how much I love etsy) along with 12 different GIVEAWAYS!

So Monday thru Friday for the next 3 weeks you have the chance to win some very awesome loot. I'm sharing this because I love you... even if I want all the loot for myself.

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