It must be something about spring and having a fresh start or new beginning or clean slate or something like that.
I'm getting that nesting feeling back (and no, I'm not pregnant, don't you dare even think it) and I feel like cleaning. I feel like organizing our apartment and purging our drawers.
The thing is, I really have to go for it when I get that urge because it doesn't always last long. Only I have this little person interrupting my momentum. Just the time it takes to sit and feed him and I'm back to wanting to curl up with a book and hold him while he sleeps. I end up with a lot of half-done projects.
I'm still not working so I feel the need to do more at home. I've cooked dinner twice in the past week which just never happens and I have a meal planned for tomorrow. I'm shooting for every other day. Don't laugh, that's a big step for me! B does almost all of the cooking around here. I'll admit though that I still have no idea how to juggle getting dinner on the table and getting the baby bathed and fed. B's schedule varies and sometimes he gets home right at the time I'm in the nighttime routine.
I'm trying hard to get Peanut into more of a routine with naps, feeding, bathtime and bed.
I keep thinking of things and adding it to my to do list.
I know, people do these things every day. They raise children, make dinner, talk with their friends, family and partners, keep a clean house, work, homeschool, run errands, read, write and play with their kids. I just have no idea how. On any given day I'm lucky to pick 2 and get those done.
Today I need to get my Red Egg and Ginger thank you's done, bake dessert for dinner with friends tonight, get my mammogram, and clean the apartment.
Chances are I'll complete 2 out of 4 of those tasks.
I sure hope dessert comes out :)
Awe Spring cleaning. I got 3 major drawers cleaned out yesterday! I'd love to wash windows, but the pollen will be flying in Mid-Missouri real soon, the trees are just starting to bud!
ReplyDeleteHappy Wednesday.
I'm the same way! I have a 5 week old and my to-do list never gets done. So, I set the smallest goals (ie write thank you notes and do the dishes) and cheer when I reach those. I can't imagine what I'm going to do when I go back to work. Happy Spring to you!
ReplyDeleteGirl you should have known me when I had two kids in diapers. It was like four repetative days of the same exact. thing. Over and over again. The same spit-up covered tee shirts... the same crying, needy faces looking up at me. I finally got to know my husband after potty training. Until that point we were like ships passing in the night.
ReplyDeleteSo hang in there... eventually a routine falls neatly into place. Just takes time!
Happy Spring!!! luvuallbye
ReplyDeleteI'm still in that time--wondering how moms do it all and wondering why I can't be like them! I struggle to complete one single task a day sometimes! Anyway, glad to see someone else's clean & purge resolve dwindles after a while too. Sometimes I get so frustrated that my burst of motivation didn't make it past 11 am.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty good at the house cleaning and the dinner thing. I have a harder time when I'm working and commuting. Either dinner slides or the housework does. But doing that AND taking care of another human being? It terrifies me. I'm seriously afraid of newborns and that soft spot. I really don't want to break my future baby. I think you're doing a kick ass job chica!!
ReplyDeleteThis brings back so many memories but LMM is right, it will get easier and before you know it too. And when it does, that adorable little Peanut will have changed so much, you won't believe it. So enjoy the now and let it come in its own sweet time. : )
ReplyDeleteOh, I can totally sympathize. I've been getting the cleaning bug lately, but just as I get my momentum going, my munchkin starts to cry, and I lose the motivation. You're not alone - I don't know how those women do it either!
ReplyDeleteHere is what I think...someone getting it all done is a myth. It doesn't happen. Even the ladies who really do seem like "WonderWoman"s (for me that would be PW and Susan Wise Bauer, for example) have a lot of laundry, sick kids, dirty toilets, and counters with dishes on them. I walk around my house looking at dirty clothes piles here and there, toys strewn about, boxes from moving (in Jan.!!!), shoes by the front door (we are five people, why are there 38 pairs of shoes there?), papers, mail, and the drying rack at the foot of my bed. It's so easy to think,"I am such a failure!" But I fight to think,"No, you are a pretty normal mom (well, in some regards)." I clean the toilets when I can. I do the dishes each night, yes, to avoid roaches (ugh, I live in Dallas). I put the shoes away when I can't stand it anymore. I wash the clothes as I can. I guess there are some people who are naturally organized and into schedules and routines, but it doesn't come naturally to everyone. Especially babies! ha! I guess what I'm trying to say is you do such a great job loving that little man, and that is what is so important. You know? Here is an anonymous poem that I love:
ReplyDelete"Cleaning and scrubbing can wait for tomorrow,
For babies grow up, I’ve learned, to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust, go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby, and babies don’t keep."