I've gotten something in the mail every day for a week. AND we're not even talking bills.
The neighbors must think I have some kind of mail fetish because I waddle over as fast as possible and giggle to myself the whole way back.
It's hard to clap and hold your mail.

Why are people so creative and artistic? This is from Jana and I sat looking at the box for so long I forgot there was something inside it.
Then I squealed and startled B who looked over and started to laugh. He proceeded to show me how he was going to stuff the baby into this "Peanut Pod". It's a knit baby cocoon and I cannot wait to take pictures of the baby in it.
It's so soft I had to rub my face on it.

"Beeeeeeeee, come over here and hold it for me! Pleeeeeaaaaassssseee beeeeeee!"
Sometimes with B you get a little more than you bargain for. This photo makes me laugh and laugh.

I've been in love with this print for over a year. My family seems to represent all the colors of the rainbow and I love to see artwork that shows some diversity as well.
Andrea sent this to me and I cannot wait to get this framed and on my wall. You can see more fun art work by Barking Bird Art on etsy. I love that they have nursery art with very specific interests. I'm waiting for a few friends to have babies so I can get them certain prints.

This onesie is from Mimirickets and it is sooo soft. I really can't resist a onesie with peanut written across the top.
Created by Babycakes & Decor they also have some adorable onesies for twins. Things like Peanut Butter & Jelly or Copy & Paste.

But my favorite part has to be the surprise little peanut on the back. I just love little details like that.

I hate to play favorites here but I have to admit this is one of the best gifts I've received for the baby. As you can imagine B and I have a little thing for bees. When I was on Elle's blog I noticed that Bug (her daughter) is quite the artist and requested one of my own.
This bee will definitely be making his/her? way into the Peanut's room.

Plus Elle sent me these burp rags which I think are rather genius. Way cuter than any I've seen in the store and so personal!

There were more but my mom stole them and has been inspired enough to start sewing some for everyone we know who is pregnant... or may ever become pregnant.

I believe that Peanut may have a personal stylist and her name is Jennifer.
In this outfit little Peanut will be followed around by a bunch of paparazzi, I just know it!
Not pictured are some fantastic tile necklaces that I will show you soon.

It gets better... she made this onesie.
I hope you realize you'll be seeing all these things again when I take pictures of him in them.
I still can't quite picture it but I can't wait. As of Thursday morning Peanut weighs 5 lbs 1 oz. He is just getting so big!
You see, I'm saying things like that and he isn't even born yet.

Goodnight Moon I'm familiar with and I love but How do I love you? was something I'm new to.
Becky sent these to me and they will just melt your heart. Go read them!

You see, I've always wanted a Becky original and when this came I felt a little... um, star struck? I want to tell everyone who sees it that I know the artist and she made it just for me and it's a signed one-of-a-kind piece of art.
The picture doesn't do it justice. It has texture and it's multimedia (is that the term?) and B loves it. She can do custom house paintings as well as create jewelry.
Can I just say that I love my friends?
Well lovelies, we're headed to Sacramento today for another fantastic wedding. That makes #5 for the year and so many I still need to blog about. We'll also get in some much looked forward to family time. I'll be checking in with you soon and we'll be back on Sunday.
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.
Darling outfits, cool gifts. This Peanut is spoiled! Enjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeleteEverything is SO cute! I just love the Becky original, it turned out awesome!
ReplyDeleteOh girl...you flatter me. Someday I'll have to make something pretty just for you. Boy stuff is not really my thing. I was hoping you wouldn't want to just throw it in the trash when you got it! But thanks for being sweet. Blesses my heart that you like it so much. SO glad your socks have been blessed off. Isn't it beyond fun to get something in the mail??!! Have a great weekend girlie.
ReplyDeleteI love the gifties you got! That little tie onesie is adorable. I can't wait to see Peanut in the peapod!! :-)
ReplyDeleteyeah I love mail like this, so many cute cute things! that Becky original is something else, sooo cute and so you guys! and the outfit, something else, you better be taking photos and sharing your little wee one with us! xoxoxo happy wedding!
ReplyDeleteDon't you just love gifts in the mail....and there might be more things coming.
ReplyDeleteAdorable gifts for Peanut! The peapod is great! I especially love the bee that Bug made. It's going to look so cute on the nursery wall.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun! Hooray for lovely lovelies in the mail. I'm dying over the peanut cocoon, it will be a cute Halloween outfit too!
ReplyDeleteSleep makes little girls behave nicely to their moms the next day.
She is going to be so delighted to see her bee on the computer tomorrow. Seriously, this will make her day! You are just too sweet to even put it up here! I'm so glad you are getting so much cute stuff in the mail. Isn't it the funnest thing EVER?!
Couldn't happen to a sweeter pregnant girl. :o)
PS I will ask tomorrow if Bee is a He or a She.
Yayyyyyy!!! I love all the loot!
ReplyDeleteI feel like saying, "Arrr." Why is that?
You have gotten a lot of presents in the mail. Fabulous! I was reading the post and I would think that one gift was THE BEST and then I would get to the other one and it would just get better and better. (how is that for a run on sentence:)
ReplyDeleteYay presents! :)
ReplyDeleteMy kids LOVE Goodnight Moon. A pleasure to read it to them.
ReplyDeleteOh, your gifts are so sweet!! The peanut onesie is just too cute, but you'll probably do a couple of double takes at that little peanut on the back side. Babies diapers don't always do the trick in the back. ;)
ReplyDeleteSo fun to watch as you get closer to meeting your little peanut.