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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Crouching in bushes


Things have gotten kinda weird since I bought this camera.


I walk around like a tourist snapping shots of everything I see.


B wonders why it now takes us 5 minutes to walk to the corner. He doesn't say anything but I can tell he's thinking it!


Cars passing by probably wonder what I'm doing standing on the back of the bench or crouching in the bushes.


Its amazing what you'll do to catch a raindrop on a petal.

Besides, if I don't practice, how will I ever learn?


  1. Since blogging, I have taken to photographing EVERYTHING. It's getting ridiculous. Jay wonders when we can just EAT, already!
    Your photography is so beautiful. My favorite is the leaf.
    What kind of camera do you have?

  2. Sounds soooo familiar! My neighbors think I am insane because I am forever bent over some interesting thing in the yard. And my good friend's 3 yr old triplets say "take my picture" whenever they see me. They automatically think I want to...and they are usually right.

  3. I love that tree my parents have with the pretty leaves.

    And I can't take credit for th pictures because my camera is still set on auto. There, I said it. I still don't know how to work my camera. But I just bought a DVD to teach me. Its a Canon Rebel Xsi. Its so fancy!

    So true Kate! The roses were in a neighbors yard :) 3 year old triplets!?

  4. Hey, you've got my camera! :) Don't ya love that xsi?! I love love love your pictures. Great job! -Tammy

  5. the Photos are amazing!! nice job. I was shopping for an xs yesterday! I am still in denial haha! I can't wait to see what else you find and capture. I love reading your blog always makes me smile, and snort on accident. nothing like a good snort!

  6. Wow, I totally completely agree! I must seem like such a weirdo to everyone who see's me...Like yesterday during lunch I was standing by my car just photographing some wild flowers that grow near the parking lot...sometimes I just want to wear a sign that says "I'm not being weird, I'm just practicing my photography" That being said, I love your shots! The last one is my favorite :)

  7. Beautiful shots and I'm right there with you! We got a new camers - I, of course, have NO IDEA what I'm doing - but now feel guilty if I do anything without taking a picture of it! lol

  8. Mine's on auto most of the time too, seriously I felt like Alfred Steiglitz when I figured out how to take zoom shots that didn't focus on the table under the item I was photographing!

    That last one is GORGEOUS!

  9. all these close-ups!
    I feel like a butterfly!!
    Visual delights, so glad I drop by your blog~

  10. Girl, you are good! Doesn't matter if it's on auto or not. I'm impressed!

  11. Thanks for your kind words...the feeling is mutual! Lovely weekend dear~

  12. Welcome to the cult of the photographically obsessed! My family just shakes their heads and says, "There she goes taking those artsy fartsy pictures again."

  13. That's what I love about photography. It opens your eyes to the beautiful things around you.

  14. What beautiful pics!

    Have to agree with the others --the last one is just breathtakingly gorgeous. :)

  15. Same here. I'm always stopping to take pics. Luckily, my family has been getting involved and pointing things out for me to take shots of. I'm always hearing, "Hurry, get your camera!"

  16. My camera is set to PHD mode (push here dummy)! I'm pretending to be a professional photographer. Still it is fun to capture beautiful photos and yours are gorgeous!


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