Friday, June 3, 2011

Commenting Issues


We're off to pick up B's parents from the airport but a quick note before we head out...

I've had problems commenting on some of your blogs and have been told some of you are having problems commenting on mine. It seems to only be an issue for blogs without the word verification, which is ironic as I chose it to make it easier for you to comment.

Becky from Farmgirl Paints let us know that if you unclick the Keep Me Signed In box when logging in it seems to work itself out. It's worked for me and I'll just do that until blogger works out the kinks.


Peanut's very cute donkey shirt was provided with love from my peeps over here!


  1. Peanut just gets cuter and cuter.
    Enjoy the family coming in!

  2. Dawn, we always knew Peanut looked like B, but in the first picture, i think he looks like you.
    He's so cute!!!

  3. i hate when technology works against me. so frustrating! have a great weekend girlie.

  4. Such a cutie pie, and I love his shirt!

  5. I agree with Marie, Peanut is starting to take after his mama! :-)

  6. Oh my, the wonky donkey finally fits! He is adorable, no matter what he's in! And growing like a weed, I might add ;) Give him a hug from all of us down on the farm! -Tammy

  7. He is just SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!


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