Sunday, February 17, 2013

Keeping up with what's going on... and how I can't.

Peanut does some internet research.

It seems that there is a certain trait in very successful and productive people.

It is the ability to know what is going on in their field of expertise or interest.

This elusive ability is well, elusive to me.
I seem to know just enough about what is going on to keep my head above water.
Perhaps it is that my interests, my goals and my jobs are spread just a bit to far apart.

It could be that while I'm in the middle of my quest for information that I spot something shiny.
I cannot control everything, you know.

I love listening to people in the restaurant industry, and those who write about it, that know which restaurants are opening up this week, which ones are closing and which ones are running that awesome special.  They know the chefs and owners, product sources and partnerships.  They go to restaurants, they chat, they gather information and they eat with abandon.

I'm amazed by bloggers who post constantly and write about other blogs, articles and internet finds in their discussions.  It's so obvious that they spend time reading, researching and keeping up to date on their niche in the internet.  They are kings and queens of their content creations.

I'm impressed by these powerful people managing online content, the printed word, restaurant divisions and businesses and then top it off by being partners, spouses and parents.

I love the authors and readers and bibliophiles who know which books are being released, authors names, illustrators best works, signings and events.

I'm in awe of people who get a homemade meal on the table most nights of the week.  I bow down to you, your accomplishment is impressive and an applause is well deserved.

Peanut and I create our to do lists- I believe his makes more sense than mine

Perhaps it's that most of my time on the internet is spent involved in the small bubble of my own world or on Pinterest which, let's be honest, only adds to my to do list instead of checking things off.

It could be that I need to narrow down to a main focus or multi-task a little better or spend more time checking things off my list instead of adding them.

It might be that I've given up a lot of things to bury myself in a book most nights but hey, there are some things I'm not willing to change.  You can take away a great many things but you cannot take away my book!

I woke up the other day with a sinking feeling that there was no way in the world I could catch up on my to do list for the day.  I had to spend a few minutes re-working my mind to get into what I call "check off mode".  I spent a minute writing things down that would done immediately so I could start off with a bang.

Go to the bathroom- check
Brush teeth- check
Get Peanut dressed- check
See, I can do this, I'm on a roll!
Get to work- check
Oh shit, did I go to the bank earlier?  Write that down- cross it off- check.

This is how you get things done!  Or maybe it isn't at all but I feel better already.


  1. girl i don't even have a full time out of the house job and i feel like that. life is busy. dinner seems optional. it just sucks. i want to run away to a simple place and live off coconut trees and have sand between my toes. but we both know that's probably never going to happen;)

  2. You're on the right track! Keep going! I am about to do the same, exact thing.. make a list and check things off. It's the only way for me, especially on a day where I want to do nothing but read blogs and Pinterest and drink coffee :) Have a great day/week! Oh, that Peanut is too cute for words ♥ -Tammy


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