Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Splish Splash


Today was Daniel's 1st Birthday!!

Although we'll be partying on Saturday we couldn't help but 
celebrate a little today.

Picnik collage

Birthday boy had his first taste of cupcake.

He doesn't like to touch his food (unless it's dry like puffs or yogurt melts) so Grandma held it for him.

Peanut just wanted to smash it into the ground.

Picnik collage

Afterwards they both needed a bath so we put them in the sink together for the first time.

Hey, what are you doing in my bath?

It was hilarious and everything/ everyone was soaked.

There was water all up the walls, the floor, the ceiling... here is a little video to prove it!

Happy Birthday Daniel, can't wait to really celebrate this weekend!


  1. hehehe, Peanut, always the troublemaker. :-)

  2. They are gonna crack up when they watch that someday. Too funny!

  3. The boys are adorable together! Thanks for posting the pics and video. It sucks being so far away. xoxo Kristy

  4. Haha I literally LOL'd at that! So cute, it looks like Peanut just about drowned Daniel! They needed snorkles :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So, I had my grandson with me this weekend and my bathroom will probably never dry out! It was so much fun....

    cuties patooties, both of them!

  7. OK that was hilarious. You can just hear Peanut saying, "No man, you have to hit the water REALLY hard!"

  8. No longer Spontaneous Clapping, your blog is now known as The Official Blog of Utter Cute. At least in my mind. :o)

  9. Totally agree with Elle Bee --that was utter cuteness!!

  10. Oh my goodness, how darling. I need somebody to give me a baby for a day so I can relive those moments.


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