Thursday, March 17, 2011

For Japan With Love & Bloggers Day of Silence


The images from Japan are haunting these days. I can hardly turn on the TV or look on the internet without a huge lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.

The footage from that day...the days that followed...from what is happening just inconceivable. It seems to be one disaster after another. I look at my baby, my family, my little world and try hard not to imagine in great detail what it would be like to be in their shoes. Even then I am sure I will never understand that kind of devastation.

I've only just read about this project or I would have written about it sooner. Adrienne posted about it and I had to follow suit. Adrienne has lived in Japan and has both friends and family there. She pointed out some lovely stories of survival (I'll never forget the face of this baby girl who survived drowning and debris unharmed) and these awesome stories of good will translated from a series of twitter posts.

Adrienne writes, "And though it can be a horribly helpless feeling viewing it all from thousands of miles away, wishing you could go help dig through the rubble with your own hands, stories of hope and help come from this side of the ocean as well."

For Japan With Love is a fundraiser put together by some bloggers with all donations going to ShelterBox. ShelterBox was one of the first groups asked by Japan for help and have been there since Saturday. They provide disaster relief boxes to people in need.

"Each large green ShelterBox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items. A whole box costs $1,000 (US), so we're hoping to raise enough to send 5 boxes."

As I write this blog post they have exceeded their goal of $5,000 and are nearing $22,000. That is 22 families with emergency shelter.

To read more about ShelterBox click here and to donate thru For Japan With Love click Here.

You can help too. Help financially by visiting the site and donating or just help get the word out by tweeting, posting on facebook or blogging about For Japan With Love.

I'll be following tomorrow's Blogger's Day of Silence and I'll be checking back with you on Saturday.

Thank you everyone!


  1. Great post, thanks for sharing with us.

  2. Ohhhh ,,,it's so sad!!! luvuallbye

  3. Thanks Dawn for sharing this on your blog as well! So amazed & excited about how widespread this fundraiser has become! :)


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