Monday, October 25, 2010

Road Trip to This Heavenly Life!


Have you been to This Heavenly Life before? Written by the incredibly talented Sarah her stories are always well-written and full of character. In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month she has been hosting Write Pink!

I'm kicking off survivor's week with a story about one of my cancer experiences. It may be a little weird but I don't suppose you'll be surprised by that. :)

Please stop by This Heavenly Life to see my POST and leave a comment to be entered into a giveaway from the Vintage Pearl!


  1. Oh Honey, that was so lovely. Beautifully written. Bless your heart!

  2. Beautiful!! And I am looking at the count and it says only 3 days!!! Wow.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    What I MEANT was:

    I'm so glad you survived, and that I got to (sort of) meet you, and that we're friends.

    I also find it highly amusing that I can't use a sticky roller without thinking of you, and I hope you do too. F cancer, right?

    I heart you Mrs Dandy! Just so you know.

  5. Just read your post over at This Heavenly Life, and thought I'd stop by to say hi! I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 27, too, and now I have two little girls. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

  6. Ahhh I just loved that post. I can just picture B in that moment and giving you the laugh you both really needed at such a hard time. I confess, I cried a little. I just re-read that you were 27. Wow...I'm 27 and that just really hit home. You are incredible Dawn and I'm so excited that Peanut is just DAYS away.

  7. What a touching story. I'm counting the days to your delivery too! Best of everything.

  8. I just love you, precious girl. Read the whole post and loved it. You are so inspiring.


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