Monday, August 30, 2010

OCPAC Free Movie Monday


During the summer the Orange County Performing Arts Cener does free movie Mondays! It's a great way to gather with friends, have a little picnic and watch some of your favorite movies.

Tell me you don't love the picnic wine set.


This particular Monday they were playing the Wizard of Oz. Before the movie started (though I was too busy talking to get pictures) there was a costume contest.


We all gathered around and spread out our food... because what kind of gathering wouldn't start with food.

I hadn't seen some of these ladies since we all worked together maybe 8 years ago! Oh the magic of facebook.


Herre we're laughing about how times have changed. If you look closely we're all looking at the cloth diapers my friend Kelly brought to me.

It was great to see old friends again.

Do you have an old friend you've been meaning to contact?

P.S. Today is the Last Monday in August! It's been a crazy 6 years my handsome husband, I love you more today than yesterday but not half as much as I will tomorrow.


  1. I would love an outing like that, however the Wizard of OZ scares the crap out of me!!! I'd have to pass on that movie:)

    Congrats on your special day with your special loved one.

  2. hahaha! I was wondering if you were going to blog about this!
    It was a fun night. We have to do dinner again soon.

  3. You two have the most wonderful adventures.


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