Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cyberspace Shout outs


The darling, beautiful, sweet and mulit-talented bloggess Jana over at sugar, spice and a little bit of life gifted me with the Loyal Friend and Visitor Award.

This is my first award and its so exciting! I really wish I would have put on something pretty today, or written something riveting... or showered.

Are you wondering what the heck the Loyal Award is? Well, its for being loyal. I know, you read this blog for my never-ending source of wisdom.

The award is for those blogging buddies that always come by with a nice thing to say or a joke to be made. They stick with you thru the good, the bad and the boring posts! I suspect I am not alone in the feeling that the comments and opinions make my day. I have found amazing blogs and have so many wonderful people who comment and e-mail it was hard to pick just four.

Here goes... these bloggers inspire me, make me want to travel the world, remind me to slow things down and appreciate a moment, increase my ovulation via adorable pictures of their children, make me laugh out loud, encourage me to cook and amaze me with their charm and wit.

Come Sit By My Fire Relyn has created a beautiful place in the great interwebs. I go here to get cozy in a busy day. Its my detox. Snuggle in and you'll find music to soothe the soul, elegant writing and inspiring pictures. Did I mention I happened upon her blog by googling a line from one of my favorite poems?

Kitchen with Kids Elle Bee, I've mentioned her before, yes? Of course I have. This woman is a kind and loving mother of 3, with a very sweet manservant, I might add. Pure charm! Who knew a recipe for Tomato Pie could be so entertaining? Her blog is written in a way that makes sense to me. My mind doesn't always stay on topic and neither do her blog posts :)

Mamahood, Among Other Things... Buckeroomama is a mom living in Hong Kong and entertaining me daily. She is a fantastic photographer and shares stories and pictures about her 2 adorable children, the workings of their minds and the activites in their days. You'll also find a glimpse of life in Hong Kong (which I becoming more obsessed with). Head over and convince her to share some wedding pictures that include her face!

MIMIRICKETS CureGirl sucked me in from the beginning. When I read her blog I constantly find myself picking up various pieces of information. Then when B comes home I can start a conversation about, say a friend that lives in Chicago, and then spout off information on what Chicago was like in 1948. Its good for my self-esteem. She is intelligent and incredibly witty and crafty too. I don't even want to tell you how much time I spend on her site reading posts and watching videos and nodding my head emphatically. Be sure to leave her a comment!

And all you lovelies I didn't mention, well I'll get to you. Know that I appreciate every.single.visit.


  1. congrats on your first award! may many more to come!

    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Awww, too sweet!! Thanks for passing it along to me. :)

    I might just surprise you with a picture of me yet (most likely NOT in my blog, though)!

  3. Oh great! Now you give me MORE blogs that I am going to have to follow, I just won't be able to help myself. Sigh.

  4. Congrats ... and what great sites!

    I wish I didn't have to start back to work on Monday! So many blogs, so little time!

  5. Congrats on the award, I am sure you have many more to come.

  6. Ah yes, I'm spreading the addiction one blog at a time!

  7. congratulations, dandy! swell award!!!

  8. THANK YOU DANDY!!! I'm so honored to be given an award that I should just give right back to you!
    You're such a loyal blogging friend and your comments either make me a)laugh b)laugh so much I pee my pants or c)laugh so much I pee my pants and fall out of my chair.
    I've had to start doing laundry every day around here. And put a sheet of plastic on the seat of my computer chair. But it's worth it. :o)
    Thanks again!

  9. I'll have to check these bloggers out. Always looking for inspiration!

  10. Your comment on the "spreadin some love" post just cracked me up...I dont think anyone noticed that you weren't invoicing...and if they did you have ninja moves to bust out. :)

  11. Congrats on the award - can't BELIEVE it's your first one, you're such a doll - and congrats to those you've awarded it to. They look worth checking out. :)

  12. Aw congrats! :) And thanks for the nod; if you didn't already have this award I'd totally make it up for ya. :)

    It helps *me* to keep writing every day knowing that somebody (besides *my* vain ass) is getting something out of it. :)

  13. Hey, you sweet thing. I don't think I knew that's how you found me. Which poem?

    Thank you so much for your kind words. You've made my day.

  14. Relyn it was you blog title from the Shel Silverstein poem. I googled when I was looking for a blog title. My next choice was "I sit beside the fire" and then "The road goes ever on and on" by Tolkein.

    then I took it in a whole different direction but I listened to your music the whole time I was searching for my interweb identity!


Your comments make my day- thanks for visiting!